Recipe illustration

Pizza dough

Recipe by Martin Skec from Berlin, Germany


For 2 pies (290g each)

  • 345g "00" flour
  • 6g fresh yeast
  • 225ml cold water
  • 10g salt


  • add water to mixing bowl
  • add salt
  • before adding yeast
    • add 10% flour (to prevent salt from killing yeast)
    • mix it
    • add yeast
    • mix it
  • add the remaining flour
  • loosely mix with fingertips or with a spoon (just to incorporate everything)
  • let it rest for 30 mins
  • kneed for 15 mins
  • shape into a big ball

Bulk proofing

  • coat your container with olive oil
  • place the dough inside
  • cover with foil
  • let it rise at room temperature for 3-48h

Last proof

  • cut the dough in half
  • shape into pizza balls (video)
  • coat your container with olive oil or flour
  • place dough balls
  • let it rise at room temperature for at least 2h
  • it's ready for stretching and toppings

Video guide
