Recipe illustration

Peanutty Pork

Recipe by Joshua Weissman from Texas, USA


For 2 person

  • pork chops 250g
  • Vegetable oil
  • Celery 2 stalks
  • Green onion 2 (same volume as celery)
  • Red chili 1-2
  • roasted peanuts 25g
  • rice 200g

Stir-fry sauce

  • soy sauce 4 Tbsp
  • rice vinegar 2 Tbsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • garlic cloves 2-3
  • ginger 1-2"
  • corn starch 2 tsp


Stir-fry sauce

  • In a small bowl
  • Mix in soy sauce, vinegar and sugar
  • Grate garlic and ginger
  • Add corn starch


  • Cut pork in 2 cm cubes
  • Chop green onions and celery into small pieces
  • Chop chili into tiny cubes
  • Roughly chop peanuts
  • Cook rice

Pork & vegetables

  • To a pan, add 1 Tbsp oil
  • Medium-high heat
  • Fry pork until slightly brown
  • Remove it
  • Add celery and green onions
  • Constantly move over medium-high heat (stir-fry)
  • Until it starts to soften and gains a little bit of color
  • Add chili
  • Saute for another minute
  • Add back pork
  • Finish by adding sauce
  • Let it thicken for a minute
  • Add chopped peanuts and incorporate them
  • Eat

Inspiration: Ultra Easy Healthy Meals | But Cheaper
