Recipe illustration

Pasta arrabbiata (amatriciana)

Recipe by Martin Skec from Berlin, Germany


  • 125g penne
  • 80g guanciale (pancetta)
  • 0.5 can of tomato sauce (with basil)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 0.5 fresh chili (or chili flakes)
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Olive oil



  • Dice garlic, chili
  • Cube guanciale 1cm
  • Grate fresh parmesan


  • Cook pasta according to instructions (lots of salt, just enough water)
  • In a cold skillet add guanciale and turn to medium heat
  • Fry for 2-3 mins or until guanciale is crispy
  • Remove guanciale from the skillet
  • Turn off the heat
    • Add olive oil
    • Sauté garlic and chili for 1-2 mins on residual heat
    • Add tomato sauce, season with salt
  • Cook for 10-15 mins on medium heat, until the sauce reduces
  • Add crispy guanciale and a couple of Tbsp. of pasta water
  • Let it reduce again
  • Add cooked pasta, parmesan and stir all together

Total time ~25 mins (with slicing)

Inspiration: Pasta Arrabiata Recipe
