Recipe illustration

Beans stew (Vojnički grah)

Recipe by Martin Skec from Berlin, Germany


  • 500g beans
  • 35g celery root
  • 35g parsley root
  • 1.5 medium onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 paprika
  • 1 chili
  • 2 sausages
  • 100g bacon / dry pork meat


  • ~10 pepper balls, crushed
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 35g flour
  • 10g sweet paprika


The night before

  • wash beans
  • put them in bowl and let them soak in water over night

Cutting and chopping

  • chop onions
  • chop carrots (quarters)
  • chop celery root and parsley into small cubes
  • cut sausage into circles
  • cut bacon
  • slice tomato in half
  • slice paprika in quarters

Cooking beans

  • drain beans and put them in pot
  • add water (submerge)
  • cook them for 5-10 mins until they release foam
  • drain water and foam, wash beans

Cooking stew

  • add oil into a large pot
  • cook onions for 10 mins
  • add the remaining vegetables and cook for another 10 mins
  • add bacon and sausages and cook for 15 mins
  • if sticking, add 250ml water
  • add bael leaves, crushed pepper
  • add beans
  • add water to submerge ~2-3l
  • bring to a boil
  • cover and cook for 20mins
  • stir from time to time to avoid sticking

after 20mins

  • take out tomatoes
  • remove skin, chop them as much as possible, and return to pot
  • cook for 1h hour

after 1h

  • Take out paprika
  • remove skin, chop and return to pot
  • add salt ~10g


  • in a pan
  • cover with olive oil, lard
  • grate 3 garlic cloves
  • fry for 30 sec until garlic starts to get color
  • add flour, paprika
  • fry for 30 sec

Final steps

  • add the roux to the pot
  • mix and cook for 5 mins to thicken

Inspiration: Vojnički grah recept
